Hope in a Hospital in Colombia

In a hospital in Colombia, a Nazarene church partners with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries to serve as a beacon of care for pregnant and new mothers and hospital staff as they face emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges. Volunteers from the church spend time each week serving at the hospital, providing workshops on emotional healing and entrepreneurship training so mothers can build stable and bright futures for their families. They also deliver food and baby supplies to the hospital and spend time in prayer and counseling with mothers and hospital staff.

mother and child in hospital

This opportunity has helped the local church members continue to develop a culture of service and care for their neighbors. As the hospital expands to serve a growing population, the project has scaled its activities, and the mission for this ministry remains clear: to be God’s outstretched hand to those in need.

Ana met the church members when she was a patient at the hospital. Their consistent encouragement led her to accept Christ, get baptized, join the church, and become a student. Today, Ana serves others weekly at the hospital, embodying the transformative power of holistic ministry to others who need it.

Volunteers in the hospital

“Today, I think this work is very important because in moments of sadness or hopelessness in the hospital comes a word of encouragement,” said Ana. “I feel very happy because I know God, I have a church, and I serve in this work.”

Ana now gets to build relationships with young women like Sara*.

Sara, 14, is a young expectant mother who is not from Colombia. She arrived at the hospital in labor with no support. Within days, the team provided her and her baby with essential supplies, emotional support, and spiritual guidance. Sara’s journey of faith began during these interactions, culminating in her decision to return to Venezuela with newfound hope and purpose.

*Name is changed for safety.