In a hospital in Colombia, a Nazarene church partners with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries to serve as a beacon of care for pregnant and new mothers and hospital staff as they face emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges. Volunteers from the church spend time each week serving at the hospital, providing workshops on emotional healing and entrepreneurship training so mothers can build stable and bright futures for their families. They also deliver food and baby supplies to the hospital and spend time in prayer and counseling with mothers and hospital staff.
There are many Venezuelan families arriving week after week to Colombia in search of refuge, help, and the hope of starting a new life. Many flee from the violent situations and inequality at home, but above all, they flee from hunger. If they have the financial means, families arrive by bus. But those who have enough are few. In reality, the majority come by foot—with a backpack, their newborn babies, wives, husbands, uncles, grandparents, and anyone who can get out. They carry only what they need to survive, hoping to find help along the way.