In a world that constantly changes, the needs of children around the world are always present. Whether it’s protection from harm, provision for their basic needs, help escaping the weight of poverty, or spiritual care, children need our prayers now more than ever. As parents, educators, caregivers, and compassionate individuals, we are called to intercede on their behalf—lifting up their health, safety, well-being, and dreams before God.
To help guide our posture toward children, we invite you to join us in a powerful journey of prayer: seven days of intentional intercession for the children in our lives and around the world. For each day, we will focus on a specific aspect of children’s lives and the lives of the adults around them. It’s a simple, yet profound way to make a lasting impact, not only for the children we know personally, but for those who are suffering, overlooked, or in need of hope.
Will you take the next seven days to pray with us?

Day 1: Pray that all people would come to appreciate the gift that children are and see them as infinitely valuable.

Day 2: Pray for the protection of children, that the plans of those who would seek to harm or abuse them or their families would be thwarted. Pray that we would seek ways to assume the responsibility of protecting children in our communities and around the world.

Day 3: There are many children who live in poverty or difficult circumstances. Pray that they would experience the provision, love, and care they need. Ask God to raise up advocates, resources, and opportunities for them to thrive and grow in a safe and nurturing environment.

Day 4: Pray that families would be inspired to teach their children to follow the Lord and seek wisdom as they grow. Pray for leaders in child development centers as they seek to do the same.

Day 5: A parent’s love is meant to be deep and comforting from the moment a child is born. Pray for children who have lost their parents or those who have a difficult relationship with their parents. Pray they will find comfort and strength in Christ.

Day 6: Pray for children who are sponsored in Nazarene child development programs to come to faith in Christ, along with gaining the skills needed to take steps out of poverty. Pray they will learn to look to the Lord for strength and hope each and every day.

Day 7: Pray for teachers, caregivers, social workers, and all those who work with children to be filled with compassion, patience, and understanding. Ask God to equip them to meet the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the children in their care.