“Today, I believe that this work is very important because, in moments of sadness or hopelessness in the hospital, a word of encouragement arrives.”
These words from Ana, a volunteer who serves with others in providing practical and spiritual care to new mothers and pregnant women in the city of Chía, Colombia, highlight the aim of this church-led compassionate ministry project. As volunteers encourage and support, patients and staff alike are impacted. Before joining the ministry, Ana was once a patient at the same hospital where she encountered the loving care of these volunteers. Their help, encouragement, and display of Christ’s love changed her life.

For many women, pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by additional vulnerability, both physical and emotional. Colombia is one of many countries where a woman’s lifetime risk of maternal death is elevated due to reduced access to quality care. Even after birth, new mothers everywhere face challenges like sleep deprivation, feeding and care questions, hormonal adjustments, and recovery from birth. In Colombia, an influx of refugees from Venezuela has meant more patients in the hospital who have fewer resources once they are discharged.

The Nazarene volunteers who visit the hospital every week spend time delivering free food and baby blankets to new mothers, and the food packs have become increasingly important as the refugee population grows. When patients request, volunteers with training in infant care also share breastfeeding and bottle-feeding tips. Emotional and spiritual support is provided through in-room visits and prayer times, along with regular visits with administrative staff. The team wears identifying jackets as they minister, so they are easily recognized around the hospital.

“Each of the servants who goes to the hospital days knows that giving refreshments, praying for someone, and being able to bless another is a service to which God called,” said one project leader. The hospital staff is grateful for the volunteers' efforts, and recently asked the team to increase the number of days per week that they are present in the hospital.
Sometimes, the stories of the mothers weigh heavily on the hearts of the volunteers. Recently, the team provided support to a 14-year-old girl, a refugee from Venezuela, who gave birth at the hospital and required intensive support in the days following the birth. Her history was traumatic, and she remained in the hospital alone, without hygiene supplies, struggling to know how to care for her infant. The team immediately intervened, providing toiletries, clothes, and blankets, sharing infant feeding and care instructions, and praying with her for encouragement. Though volunteers tried to stay connected, the young mother was forced to return to Venezuela due to financial need.
“Cases like this are very common in the hospital,” reported the project leader. “[They are] a population that we cannot ignore.”
Ana knows what it is like to be in that vulnerable position as a patient and find hope through this project. Four years ago, as a new mom, she joined a breastfeeding support group led by some of the volunteers.

“From that moment the team began to pray for me,” she explains. “I began to receive [food packs] every week . . . After calls and follow-up, I receive the Lord in my heart and was invited to some trainings and then to meet more frequently on Sundays. There I joined the church.”
Ana’s transformation continued past her spiritual new birth. She is taking classes to learn how to read and write and has joined the volunteer team to visit patients.
“I feel very happy because I know God, I have a church, and I serve in this work,” she said.
The success of this ministry project lies in the commitment of team members like Ana, who faithfully reach out with care to this vulnerable population. With each visit, the team knows they are being Christ’s hands and feet.
“The success of a project happens when four aspects are added together: willingness, time, resources, and prayer,” said the project leader. “God has given us a green field called Chía Hospital to sow and work.”