“After losing my home to the wildfire, I found myself in a very distressing situation."
Carolina, 43, was devastated by the fires that raged through Chile during the first week of February, 2024, following days of extreme heat.
“I felt like I had lost everything and didn't know how to move on," she shared.
More than 160 fires burned at once, and the disaster left Carolina and at least 1,600 other people homeless in and near the city of Viña del Mar. A total of 130 people lost their lives in the blazes that have now been linked to arson.

The Church of the Nazarene in Chile responded to people in need in the weeks following the fires. Volunteers from local churches and representatives from Chilean Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and Nazarene Youth International banded together to provide comprehensive assistance to 150 impacted families. The congregation in Viña del Mar used their building to collect and pack relief items. Distributions of food, water, medicine, hygiene kits, and other essential supplies ensured that people who lost their homes could survive the early weeks of recovery and cleanup. In addition, volunteers provided spiritual and emotional support to 425 children and preteens in safe spaces away from the worst of the fire damage.
“Together,” said one church leader, “these relief measures played a crucial role in the recovery and rebuilding of communities affected by the fires, providing a glimmer of hope in the midst of adversity.”

Carolina found hope through this compassionate care.
"Through the children's activities and relief delivered by the Church of the Nazarene, I met others who had gone through similar experiences, reminding me that we were not alone in this recovery process," she said.
"Thanks to the help and support I received, I was able to start rebuilding my house and gradually continue to move forward with my family. Although the road to recovery has been difficult, I am deeply grateful for the generosity and kindness I found in the midst of tragedy. It has taught me that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope if we come together.”